Wednesday, August 6, 2008

8 Weeks with Chandler

Here are some much requested pictures of Chandler over the past 8 weeks. My, how he has changed. He is steadily gaining about a pound a week!! The last two pictures were taken today, on his 8 week birthday. Isn't he precious!!!!!


Clay and Natalie Freeman said...

super cute! He is getting so chunky! I love chunky babies!!!! Enjoy your time, it goes so quick. Chandler is 2 months, AG is 6, Carter is a year!!! Yikes, where has time gone?

Rachael said...

Jennifer he is getting so big!! I wish so bad I could just squeeze him! We'll be in LR over Thanksgiving (I know...too long) but that's the best we can do. I'm hoping and praying you guys will be in town!!!!!!